This section of the site contains our photographs of natural landscapes of the world, including geological formations, relief forms, natural water bodies and vegetation types, as well as some plants and animals, typical to different native zones and geographical regions.
This page contains the list of images of the South African Republic
(Southern part) nature: natural landscapes, vegetation types and some plants and
Clicking on the preview in the list below you will be transferred to the page with the
full sized image
(each photo has a semantic geographical or biological captions, explaining illustrated objects).
(Southern coast: Cape of Good Hope area)
The cuesta (asymmetrical geological formation) and Atlantic Ocean bay near the Cape of
Good Hope.
The western part of the Cape Fold Belt Mountains, South coast of South African Republic
The cuesta (asymmetrical geological formation) and Atlantic Ocean bay near the Cape of
Good Hope.
The western part of the Cape Fold Belt Mountains, South coast of South African Republic
Coastal xerophytic phrygana (dwarf-shrub) on the Cape of Good Hope.
The western part of the Cape Fold Belt Mountains, South coast of South African Republic
Coastal xerophytic phrygana (dwarf-shrub) on the Cape of Good Hope.
The western part of the Cape Fold Belt Mountains, South coast of South African Republic
Coastal xerophytic phrygana (dwarf-shrub) on the Cape of Good Hope.
The western part of the Cape Fold Belt Mountains, South coast of South African Republic
The Atlantic Ocean shore covered by evergreen dwarf forest - maquis.
The western part of the Cape Fold Belt Mountains, South coast of South African Republic
Coastal xerophytic phrygana (dwarf-shrub) on the Cape of Good Hope.
The western part of the Cape Fold Belt Mountains, South coast of South African Republic
Coastal cliffs and erosive shore in the surf zone of the Atlantic Ocean.
The western part of the Cape Fold Belt Mountains, South coast of South African Republic
Coastal cliffs and erosive shore in the surf zone of the Atlantic Ocean.
The western part of the Cape Fold Belt Mountains, South coast of South African Republic
Coastal cliffs and erosive shore in the surf zone of the Atlantic Ocean.
The western part of the Cape Fold Belt Mountains, South coast of South African Republic
The Atlantic Ocean shore near the Cape of Good Hope.
South coast of South African Republic
The Atlantic Ocean shore near the Cape of Good Hope.
South coast of South African Republic
The Atlantic Ocean shore near the Cape of Good Hope.
South coast of South African Republic
The Atlantic Ocean shore with the spray of the sea droplets on the Cape of Good Hope.
South coast of South African Republic
The surf zone of the Atlantic Ocean on the Cape of Good Hope.
South coast of South African Republic
The surf zone of the Atlantic Ocean on the Cape of Good Hope.
South coast of South African Republic
The mussel (Mytilidae family) colony in the surf zone of the Atlantic Ocean.
The Cape of Good Hope, South coast of South African Republic
The mussel (Mytilidae family) and Top Seashells (Limpet, Patellidae)
colony in the surf zone of the Atlantic Ocean.
The Cape of Good Hope, South coast of South African Republic
The foothills of the Cape Fold Belt Mountains near the Cape of Good Hope.
The Atlantic ocean coast, South African Republic
The coastal phrygana (dwarf-shrub) on the foothills of the Cape Fold Belt Mountains.
The Cape of Good Hope, Atlantic ocean coast, South African Republic
Shrub vegetation of the coastal phrygana at the foothills of Cape Fold Belt Mountains.
The Cape of Good Hope, Atlantic ocean coast, South African Republic
Shrub vegetation of the coastal phrygana at the foothills of Cape Fold Belt Mountains.
The Cape of Good Hope, Atlantic ocean coast, South African Republic
Shrub vegetation of the coastal phrygana at the foothills of Cape Fold Belt Mountains.
The Cape of Good Hope, Atlantic ocean coast, South African Republic
Shrub vegetation of the coastal phrygana at the foothills of Cape Fold Belt Mountains.
The Cape of Good Hope, Atlantic ocean coast, South African Republic
Black Girdled Lizard (Cordylus niger) (or Black Zonure - Cordylus cordylus ?)
(Lacertilia suborder, Cordylidae family) on the rock.
The Cape of Good Hope, Atlantic ocean coast, South African Republic
Black Girdled Lizard (Cordylus niger) (or Black Zonure - Cordylus cordylus ?)
(Lacertilia suborder, Cordylidae family) on the rock.
The Cape of Good Hope, Atlantic ocean coast, South African Republic
Crassulaceae family plant (undefined).
The Cape of Good Hope, Atlantic ocean coast, South African Republic
The fruits of the Crassulaceae family plant (undefined).
The Cape of Good Hope, Atlantic ocean coast, South African Republic
Coastal dry (xerophytic) steppe on the Cape of Good Hope.
Atlantic ocean coast, South African Republic
The ostrich (Struthio camelus) on the Atlantic ocean shore.
The Cape of Good Hope, South African Republic
Schusterskraal bay of the Atlantic ocean.
Western Cape province, South African Republic
Sandy beach during stron surf.
Schusterskraal bay of the Atlantic ocean, Western Cape province, South African Republic
The breeding colony of the African Penguins, or Black-footed Penguins,
or Jackass Penguins (Spheniscus demersus) on the Boulders Beach.
Simon's Town area, Western Cape province, South African Republic
The breeding colony of the African Penguins, or Black-footed Penguins,
or Jackass Penguins (Spheniscus demersus) on the Boulders Beach.
Simon's Town area, Western Cape province, South African Republic
The breeding colony of the African Penguins, or Black-footed Penguins,
or Jackass Penguins (Spheniscus demersus) on the Boulders Beach.
Simon's Town area, Western Cape province, South African Republic
The African Penguins, or Black-footed Penguins, or Jackass Penguins (Spheniscus
on the nests during breeding season. The Boulders Beach, Simon's Town area,
Western Cape province, South African Republic
The African Penguins, or Black-footed Penguins, or Jackass Penguins (Spheniscus
on the nests during breeding season. The Boulders Beach, Simon's Town area,
Western Cape province, South African Republic
The breeding pair (the couple) of African Penguins (Black-footed Penguins, Jackass
Penguins -
Spheniscus demersus during the breeding season. The Boulders Beach, Simon's Town area,
Western Cape province, South African Republic
The breeding pair (the couple) of African Penguins (Black-footed Penguins, Jackass
Penguins -
Spheniscus demersus during the breeding season. The Boulders Beach, Simon's Town area,
Western Cape province, South African Republic
The African Penguin (Black-footed Penguin, Jackass Penguin - Spheniscus demersus).
The Boulders Beach, Simon's Town area, Western Cape province, South African Republic
The Brown Fur Seals, or Cape Fur Seals, or South African Fur Seals, or Australian Fur
(Arctocephalus pusillus - Otariidae family) breeding colony on the rocks.
The Gans Bay on the Atlantic ocean, Western Cape province, South African Republic
The Brown Fur Seals, or Cape Fur Seals, or South African Fur Seals, or Australian Fur
(Arctocephalus pusillus - Otariidae family) breeding colony on the rocks.
The Gans Bay on the Atlantic ocean, Western Cape province, South African Republic
The Brown Fur Seals, or Cape Fur Seals, or South African Fur Seals, or Australian Fur
(Arctocephalus pusillus - Otariidae family) breeding colony on the rocks.
The Gans Bay on the Atlantic ocean, Western Cape province, South African Republic
The Brown Fur Seals, or Cape Fur Seals, or South African Fur Seals, or Australian Fur
(Arctocephalus pusillus - Otariidae family) breeding colony on the rocks.
The Gans Bay on the Atlantic ocean, Western Cape province, South African Republic